

Monday, May 23, 2016

One Step Closer

To see the beginning of the barn building process, check out my previous blog, Barn Rising!
I’m not real pleased with the pictures because I’m picky about what’s in the background and things surrounding.  But, the barn is Finally Finished, so here it is!   They finished May 20th. Now to begin working on the inside.  Still lots to do! 

View from where the house will be.

A view from the back side.


The electric company has their orders and our down payment, so we are just waiting on them to set up the electric out at the 80.  Did you know that in order to get electricity on undeveloped land, you have to either prove a house is being built by having the pad poured, or, you must pay a deposit?  We didn’t till now.  I can understand why.  I’m guessing that at some point people have requested electric and simply had just a barn or maybe decided not to build.  Whatever the case, we paid the fee, so we hope they get started on that soon. 

Once the barn builders left we were left with the task of cleaning up.  But we managed to take a break and enjoy the day.  My country boy caught several Bass, including one that weighed in at 4 pounds.  He was quite proud. 

My country boy and his 4 pounder.

The house plans are still in the works.  Best things come to those who wait, right?  Especially when we keep making changes.  So I remain patient.    

Till next time!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Barn Rising!

Barn builders arrived this past Friday!  I’m so excited!  That moment you realize the barn is more square footage than the house… Priorities for us country folk.   Unfortunately, progress has halted again due to the rain today.  But these guys with Mid-America Pole Barn Company don’t mess around!  They got a lot done within three days!  Even though they’ve had to take a break, I’m so excited that I wanted to blog about the progress up till now.  Instead of waiting till they finish it.  Which hopefully will be by the end of the week, (depending on the weather). 
So here’s the start to where they are as of today:

They started Friday, May 13th:
A view from the back side:
Started putting up the metal sides Sunday, May 15th:

Once again, dad to the rescue.  He helped the guys with the rafters and the awning with his equipment.  So thankful for my dad, and I'm pretty sure these guys were too! 

The inside is so cool.  It doesn't take much to excite this country girl. 

I was impressed with how these guys just walked around the top of it.
No way would I have done that!
They managed to get the long sides on, and half the roof before the rain came.
Pretty sure even Dally likes it!

And it was a productive weekend for us too!  End of the year banquets, niece graduating, garage sale…then we managed to find time to work on the fence some more on Sunday.  I supervised my boys welding, watched for little fires from the sparks, and took pictures, of course. 

My country boy, cutting the holes for the pipe.
And my drummer boy, welding it together.

 Who can pass up taking a pic of this little cutie.
My sweet Dally, enjoying the day with us out at the 80.

I made my boys stop for a picture once I realized they was wearing the same shirt.
Like father, like son!

That’s all for now.  Stay tuned for the finished product and more to come!