

Friday, September 21, 2018

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. ~Seneca

After several rain delays, we finally began construction.  Trying to stay positive with the weather and winter forecasts ahead.  Here's a glimpse into our progress.

This was our view of the house pad for a month after we were scheduled to start:
The loads of rain we received, practically daily, began after we scheduled the foundation contractor.  So to those of you in our area, you are welcome for the rain.
Below is a picture taken late August 
View of the front:
While we waited on Mother Nature to dump all the rain she held from Spring and Summer, onto us through the month of August into September, we finalized the house plans.  REALLY finalized them this time, no more changes!  Found the name and supplier of the brick we like.  Hired the foundation and plumbing contractors.  And my favorite part, finished purchasing our faucets, and received the gift of a claw tub!
Special Thanks to our Aunt Sissy!
Obviously I love it!  Had to take a pic as soon as we got it home.  Looks great, even out in the yard.
The house pad is ready!  Here is a picture of the front taken on September 7th, 2018:

All measured, marked and ready to go!
 Didn't take long for the grass to grow with all the rain.

1 Corinthians 3:11
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Ground was broke as footings were dug September 12th, 2018.
 Such an exciting day for us!  One we've dreamed of for years.
Footing is set.  Next up, setting the forms.
The job passed Dally's inspection.  Ready for the next step!
I love the view of the sky in this picture.
Forms were set September 14th, 2018:
 Plumbing began September 17th, 2018:
View of the back:
Two of our "Supervisors" during the plumbing process.
View from the front:

Plumbing is all done, but not without a rain delay.
Once it is dry enough, we will be pouring the foundation!

Let Understanding and Wisdom be the Foundation

Proverbs 24:3-4 “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

The days are getting shorter, which we are not fans of with work and other things, but it is what it is.  So we improvise.  Dad and country boy do last minute checks to ensure everything is where it needs to be before pouring the sand and starting on the foundation.


Our concrete / foundation guys have been awesome.  Took time out of their weekend to come check on the house pad to see how much rain we got and see if they could start the coming week.

Even dropped off some supplies Sunday.


They started on the foundation by putting in sand on Monday, September 24th, 2018.

Dad and country boy finished roughing-in the electrical conduit and sand was treated for pests by the end of the day.

Early Tuesday morning the foundation guys were getting started!


They had it all poured and was smoothing it up by 11am.


They will pour the front carport and back patio another day.


Next order of business - ordering lumber to get started on the framing, and purchasing windows.