

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Counting Chickens

Count one's chickens before they hatch:

Fig. to plan how to utilize good results of something before those results have occurred. (The same as Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.) You may be disappointed if you count your chickens before they hatch.

I can’t believe it’s been a year since we started clean up on the 80.  I definitely didn’t expect to be in the process this long, but I just remind myself that good things come to those who wait, (and plan).
Below is a link to an awesome blog page that I found.  It has been extremely helpful.  I highly recommend it if you’re thinking of building your own home like we are.  Reminds me that we are on the right track and that it’s ok to take our time.  We knew this would be hard, and we didn’t want to rush things and make it anymore stressful than it will be.  Step by step, we are getting there.  Most people don’t understand that building a house takes a lot of time and planning, long before even preparing to break ground. 

It’s February and all our planning of the house, developing the land, and building of the barn has been a fun adventure.  I’m not going to lie, I have days where I get impatient.  After all, we are a small crew, doing this ourselves.  And this is a hard, scary process.  We let go of what was sure, our old home place of 20 years.  Took a leap of faith to go out on our own and try our hand at building our dream home out of nothing but undeveloped land.  We just keep the faith and remember:

January was full of sheetrock mud and dust.  This past week we finished texturing, and when the weekend began, we painted.  The guys also worked more on the fencing.  We had such beautiful weather, drummer boy and his cousin managed to get in some fishing.  We can’t wait until spring.  Here are a few pics from last month to now.
Country boy made stairs to go up to the storage area on top. 
We are excited to have a nice place to host barn parties, or even guests, once the house is finished. 
Back to the inside:

My dad is the king of mudding

We all got in on the sanding, including my mom and our friends little one.

I mentioned this in a post about our old house, but I will brag on my country boy again because he deserves it.  I'm very lucky to have a man who is so handy.  He did the remodel of our old place when we took down the old wood paneling and textured and painted it.  I love his texturing skills so much, but I can't convince him to do it in the new house, yet.  So I hope if we do hire this out, whomever we hire for the house does just as good. 

Taking advantage of the beautiful weather and working on the fence line.
Here's a photo opportunity I took as Country boy was doing some thinking.
I've captioned it:
Old brush popper shirts and good men...things that last forever

Country boy put in T-posts and stretched wire while Drummer boy and his cousin helped weld more corner braces.

 Here's where I say, "Hey, look here!"  And get the, "Mom, I'm busy", look.
Stay tuned for the next go-round!